Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Orleans, God, and missions

So, we're in college now, right? We're supposed to be figuring out what we're gonna do with our lives. I still have no freakin' clue what I want to do. As a Christian, I'm supposed to let God decide for me (or rather, wait on Him to tell me what He's already decided), which is easier said than done. I would absolutely love to be a missionary of some kind, though admittedly not all kinds of missions appeal to me. This past summer we went to New Orleans to help with Operation N.O.A.H Rebuild (N.O.A.H. stand for New Orleans Area Housing. Catchy name.) and I fell absolutely in love with it. I loved the work we were doing, I loved the city, I loved it! I felt so at home with it. (I just realized that this will also count as my "ah-ha moment" blog, too.) I just kind of felt like, you know, this is what I'm supposed to do with my life. It was amazing! It was awesome to be able to give of ourselves, our time, and our money to go down and help these people who are still in need. We didn't actually get to meet the couple who owned the first house that we worked on, but we did get to meet the owner of the second house. She was the sweetest lady I think I've ever met. She even bought us Pop-eye's, New Orleans style. And it was good. So was a lot of the food we had. We usually ate dinner with the other people who were working with the N.O.A.H. Project, and they would have New Orleans originals for dinner some of the nights, and it was all really good.
Anyway, I would absolutely love to do something like that. Also I wouldn't mind doing something like being a pastor or a youth minister. So right now, unless God changes my mind, which I'm trying to stay really open about, I'm gonna major in MIS (management information systems) and minor in math. I got the idea for MIS from an old manager of mine at Chick-fil-a; he said it would be real useful if I was seriously looking into ministry. He said that churches are a lot like non-profit organizations, and the business aspect of MIS would help a lot, as would the computers aspect of the degree. I wanna minor in math because I've always been really good at math, and if I pursued the ministry career, its possible that I might have to have a second job, and teaching high school math would be a lot of fun for me, or at least I think so right now. So that's me right now, pretty much. I'm still trying to stay open about what I'm doing and am trying to listen to God's voice about what He would have for my life.


Belle said...

its so hard to wait for God to reveal His plan. Its always been my dream to do chemical engineering. I know that sounds strange but people always think of me as being really ditzy so I wanted to have something smart to throw in their faces during conversations. i also love math and science. Anyway, over the past couple of months God has just really been showing me that I'm not going to do anything like that and also that I probably wont even have a big carreer. Right now God seems to be showing me that i'll be married in a couple of years and will be doing missions work in China with Sam. Im still floored, its totally unexpected, but hey, that's God. Keep waiting on His plan, I can see you being a great youth pastor or missionary but its almost always a surprise with God.

Matt said...

it is always a surprise. two of my sunday school teachers randomly found out about this international christian school, and they jumped on board, and are now in afghanastan (sp?) teaching. it wasn't such a big jump as far as job descriptions, she already taught music and he already did business admin. stuff (that's what his main job is other there, but he also teaches p.e.). i don't think they ever even thought of missions before then. lol.

Matt said...

actually, i guess i should mention that having my own karate ministry would be cool. the way my instructor desgined our particular system is that once you're a brown belt, you can be part of the instructor committee (i can't spell worth crap), and have your own school. he wants us to be able to go out and start our own ministries, helping spread the gospel. that's the whole reason we do what we do. some ppl think it strange, but its actually a really good way to reach other martial artists.